130 Red Poppy Bowls

This week we are knee deep in Red Poppy Bowls!  We are happily working on an order for 130 of our small handle bowls.  First we start with the bisque and give it 2 coats of black underglaze. Then with a pencil we draw on the design.  Next we paint on the green and red glaze - 2 coats each.  After we add the clear glaze (shown in the second set of photos), we kiln fire the bowls for the final product.  Here is a progression photo...

Below, in the first photo, is a good grouping of the bowls in various stages of underglazing.  The second shows the bowls coated in clear glaze.  Some are fully coated others are waiting to get their second half coated.  After they are fully covered with clear glaze, they get stacked into the kiln and fired

Red Table Re-Do Start to Finish

Here is our Red Table Before and After its transformation!

Clare working on raw clay slab

Clare working on raw clay slab

The design on each piece is freehand drawn. Then the texture is carved and stamped into the clay.

The design on each piece is freehand drawn. Then the texture is carved and stamped into the clay.

The first firing is the bisque firing

The first firing is the bisque firing

Romy painting on the several layers of glaze.

Romy painting on the several layers of glaze.

The second firing is Raku fired

The second firing is Raku fired

Setting in the semiprecious stones and beads to create the mosaic.

Setting in the semiprecious stones and beads to create the mosaic.

Grouting...it's gotta get worse before it gets better!

Grouting...it's gotta get worse before it gets better!

Setting the tiles into our great find - the vintage red table.

Setting the tiles into our great find - the vintage red table.

Finished table!  Viola!

Finished table!  Viola!